My life in my hands?

We live so distant now from Eden, we are desperate for life, and we come to believe that we must arrange for it as best we can, or no-one will.

John Eldredge (in Waking the Dead, I think!)

Compare and contrast with last weekend’s ‘Saturday Quote‘ – at first glance it may seem that the concept being implicitly rejected above is that which I advocated last week – isn’t it good to take responsibility for your life into your own hands? Wasn’t that just what Esther was doing?

Well, not really. Yes, she took responsibility for her actions, reactions and mental state, but she chose to focus them not on getting the best life for herself for now, but on pleasing the King, even if it was only for one night.

Life is found when we surrender our own hopes and fears and dreams and preoccupations, and focus on the King. Don’t go out seeking Eden, seek the King, and you will find Eden along the way. Appreciate it as a lovely garden, but then turn your gaze back to the one who made it beautiful.

We don’t have to arrange for life, that’s His business, we just have to live the life He gives us, for His glory.

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