Leadership in action

Well, I suppose it was only to be expected – all this learning about leadership had to be leading up to something, and here it is – I’ve been asked to lead the Welcome Team at my church!

Those of you with good memories, or who know me personally, will know that I already lead a small team within the welcome ministry, but on September 26th our church is transitioning from one service to two for the first time ever.  The current leaders of Welcome are taking this opportunity to step down, and are creating two separate but linked teams.  I will be leading the ministry for the afternoon service, and another girl will be leading the morning team.

So God is giving me an opportunity to put all these leadership lessons into practice.  I’ll be sure to share my adventures with you.  First up, I’m anticipating the transition by beginning to communicate with my mini team and the team as a whole, building on the lessons I described last week.

I’d appreciate your prayers for this next stage of the journey, and the wisdom and humility to take on board the advice I’ve been giving out!

Thank you.

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