Keeping score

Over a certain amount, money ceases to be a means of acquiring things but becomes solely about keeping score.

Ego, you are the source of all our ills.
                Blogger ‘WireDuck’, in The Guardian

There has been much discussion in the news recently about pay and fairness – how much is ‘enough’?  Where are the lines between poor, comfortable, well-off and wealthy? 

The Guardian asked some of its bloggers whether their salaries are fair or not and I felt ‘WireDuck’, who earns around £300,000 per year (pre-tax), and freely admitted that was too much, summed it up pretty well.  “I could live well on a quarter of what I’m paid,” he said. “However, if my bosses suddenly decided to impose a massive pay cut, I fear I’d be furious. Not because of what I could no longer afford. But because of the drop in status.”

Refreshingly honest and perceptive.

So what about you?  Are you paid a fair amount?  Do you need more? Could you live on less?

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