Prayer everywhere

Prayer everywhere

I hate changing the toilet roll.

I don’t know why; it just seems the most tedious of chores.

A few years ago I discovered that one of my friends had the same problem. It took us deeper into friendship, that connection over something so mundane. I now think of her every time the evil hour approaches.

As I reluctantly changed the roll this morning, and she came once again to mind, I thought, “I should pray for her when this happens.” So I did.

As it happens, she and her family have a big change on the horizon, so it was an even more appropriate prayer prompt (though as far as I know she is embracing this change much more positively!).

That led me to think of other everyday objects that have some connection with specific people: the kitchen knives that remind me of a certain friend, the plates that bring to mind members of my extended family, the socks I bought while shopping with someone else. Paperclips always remind me of sitting in Dad’s office chair, when I was a child, and making long strings of the ones in his desk tidy.

So I’m making a new resolution. When the things I see, touch or use remind me of a person, I’m going to take that as a hint to pray for them, just for a minute, for whatever God brings to mind.

What prompts for prayer do you see everywhere?


3 Comments On This Topic
  1. Amy Boucher Pye
    on Aug 17th at 10:47 am

    Yes! I don’t like this task either – not sure if your household is like mine, but I am the ONLY one who does it here in the vicarage. I will reframe it as a time to pray. Thanks!

    • Jennie Pollock
      on Aug 17th at 10:58 am

      Others in my household change it, but one in particular always puts it on backwards, so I have to turn it round anyway! 😀

      If it doesn’t make you think of a particular person, maybe it could prompt you to pray for anyone you know going through change at the time, or anyone facing something necessary but unpleasant.

      • boucherpye
        on Aug 17th at 8:55 pm

        Oh! I had that experience when we had a family member living with us. I always turned it around too – but I think in their family that backwards way WAS the correct way! 😁


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