I’ve had a busy and productive week, and rather than trying to give all the posts I’ve written their own space here and flooding the in-boxes of all my lovely subscribers, I thought I’d do one post with links to them all.
On Monday I went to the launch of a report on modern day slavery by the Centre for Social Justice. I found the event excellent, the speakers enthusiastic and inspiring (and eminently quotable!), and the report full of hope that we can actually eradicate slavery from the earth within a generation.
I loved it so much I wrote two posts about it, The Chickens are Fine, for God and Politics and Where is our Wilberforce? for Theos.
They were both published on Tuesday, as was my post On Pots and Kettles on ThinkTheology, in which I took on the theology of one of the UK’s top theologians, Tom Wright, the former Bishop of Durham!
I felt slightly more within my depth when writing Mother to the Motherless for ChristChurch London, drawing on lots that I’ve read recently and the examples of some good friends of mine who have fostered or adopted children. What a great – and important – way of living out the love we have received from Christ, by passing it on to the least in our society!
There are two more articles I’ve written recently on ThinkTheology, too. The first, Did Jesus Lie to the Canaanite Woman? I didn’t post here because it is very Bible study-ish, and doesn’t really have the broader relevance that I think most of you prefer. No-one’s been able to come up with an answer that I find completely satisfactory yet, though, so maybe you can help!
The second I didn’t post simply because I was so busy writing, I never got round to it. It’s called Misspelling Faith, and challenges a common aphorism that ‘faith is spelled R-I-S-K’.
And finally (phew!) if you want to see what my fiction writing is like, I’ve posted a sample over on my other blog today. It’s very much a first draft, but was the result of an exercise from my writing workshop this week, that I was quite pleased with.
As you can see, it’s been a busy couple of weeks (and I am making progress on my novel, too, and reading some great books, which I’ll hopefully review soon!). I hope you enjoy reading the articles as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them. I’m having lots of fun – thank you for joining me on the journey!
Picture credit: ‘Ampersands’ by Leo Reynolds (Creative Commons)