All current posts on this site:
- …And in the end, to dance
- …and the winner is…
- …and the winners are…
- ‘Census Christians’ under the Spotlight
- ‘If Only…’ – Now available to pre-order
- ‘Those who Wait’ – Review
- “Deserve’s got nothing to do with it”
- “Go do something good”
- “I have a dream”
- “I have seen the worst of humanity”
- “Shut up about being a burden”
- “Smart has the plans…
- “Visionary works of art inspired by blind rage”
- “You must think, Baldrick…”
- “Famous person is human – Shock”
- “Go on…be a Tiger”
- {Happiness} (via Melissa Brotherton)
- 1000 hits!
- 2017: The best bits
- 21st Century Thought Crimes
- 40 blessings…and counting
- 7 common leadership mistakes
- A bodily reality
- A bowl of white rice
- A city for life
- A conflict of wills?
- A cord of three strands
- A day in the life of Vauxhall Foodbank
- A Feast of Foodie Films
- A Lie that Brings a Smile
- A Little Light Kierkegaard
- A lockdown worth living?
- A new era
- A new idea of humanity
- A Purposeful Life
- A royal calling
- A sense of perspective
- A story you haven’t chosen
- A Symbol Requiring a Response
- A Thousand Generations
- A time for caution
- A time to boast
- A Time to Die
- A world of difference
- A world without walls
- Above all
- Adventure pt2
- Aiming beyond the Achievable?
- All citizenish things
- All Life is Here
- All or nothing?
- Am I Beautiful?
- An angel named Andy
- An Editor’s Top Tips for (non-fiction) Writers
- An Epidemic of Everyday Violence
- An instruction manual for goodness
- An Utterly Inappropriate use of the Word ‘Deserve’
- and after the storm, praise
- Another chance to be an Armchair Activist
- Another view of God
- Any Colour as long as it’s Black
- Anything You Can Do, I Can Do…
- Apologies, absolutes and stinking fish
- Are you being served?
- As Long as it’s Black – A correction
- As the Queen said to me…
- As we forgive those…?
- As ye sow…
- Assumptions and Presumptions
- At the turn of the year
- Attitudes and actions
- Autonomous Beings or Helpless Puppets?
- Back soon…
- Be a contender
- Be jubilant, my feet
- Be who God meant you to be
- Becoming Real
- Behind the mask
- Being big-hearted
- Best of the Rest – 2018’s top films, shows podcasts and other random things
- Big rocks first
- Bodies Matter
- Bodies matter: a clarification
- Bodies of Evidence
- Bodily Confusion
- Body or Soul?
- Boffins, brutes and buffoons
- Book Review: Home
- Book review: Valuable, by Liz Carter
- Books of the Year 2018
- Bringing up Baby (Please don’t, says the Government)
- Building Buses, Creating Culture
- But the greatest of these is love
- Bystanders in history
- Can robots be persons?
- Can’t get no satisfaction?
- Candyfloss Church?
- Candyfloss Culture
- Caring, Sharing and Bearing
- Cartography as culture-making
- Catching Up
- Catching Up
- Catching up…
- Celebrating togetherness
- Chaos and Confusion
- Character, character, character
- Characteristics of a great vision
- Choose you this day…
- Christianity under attack…from Cadbury?
- Coincidence? I think not
- Commission and Contact
- Credit where it’s due
- Cultural snapshots
- Cultural thinking
- Daddy, my daddy!
- Dawkins And The ‘Census Christians’
- Deeper
- Dilemma: Do I Recommend this Book?
- Disagree agreeably
- Do you suffer from high self-esteem?
- Does God care?
- Doing What’s Right, Right
- Double-dip day
- Easter Eggs Are Not Like Shoes
- Everyday courage
- Exercising faith?
- Failure
- Failure isn’t final
- Faith in action
- Father to the fatherless
- Fiction Friday – An Early Arrival
- Fight Poverty with Porridge
- Finding contentment at Christmas
- Finding contentment in…my life choices
- Finding real beauty
- Finding what you’re looking for
- Five Minute Friday: Dance
- Five Minute Friday: Story
- Five Minute Fridays – If I knew I could, I would…
- Five specks of flour
- Focus on the King
- Follow the Instructions
- For a moment the darkness
- Freedom vs Fairness
- Freedom, Equality and Gay Marriage
- Fresh treasures in familiar places
- Funny money
- Genius does exist
- Give us a smile
- Glorious Majesty
- Gosnell Guilty
- Grateful for a flea?
- Growing interest in religion
- Guest post: In defence of self-service checkouts
- Guns and Robots
- Happy Anniversary to Me!
- Happy Christmas to all!
- Happy Halloween?
- Happy Mothers’ Day
- Have the courage to admit when you’re wrong
- Headlights or Taillights?
- Heaven without the mercy
- Hello world!
- Help!
- Help! The Building’s on Fire
- Holiday Reading
- Home is where…
- How I Made the Hardest Decision of my Life
- How to keep one’s human decency
- How Trains Changed Time, or Bright Ideas with Unexpected Consequences
- How Two Children took Twitter by Storm
- Hunting for a hero
- I also speak…
- I also write…
- I am a Borrower
- I am a Writer
- I hope you dance
- I now declare this book officially open!
- I wasn’t procrastinating
- I wouldn’t be seen dead in that…
- I’m not in denial!
- I’ve cracked it! (Kind of)
- Ideas have consequences
- Identifying Our Ingrained Idolatry – repost from Think Theology
- If it feels good…?
- Image-bearers of the King
- In the News: A Healthy Economy
- In the News: Christian beliefs harmful to children?
- In the News: Equality in the Western Isles
- In the news: Happiness
- In the news: heartbreak on tap
- In the news: Jesus, Mary and 3 Wise Men available at Tesco
- In the news: Life and death
- In the news: Over-the-counter paternity tests
- In the news: Prisoners to be given the vote
- In the news: Rights vs needs
- In the news: The power of the cross
- In the news: When ‘rights’ clash with ‘good’
- Inside and out
- Inspiring stories
- International Day of the Girl
- Is God worth it?
- Is he safe?
- Is love a straitjacket?
- Is talk cheap?
- Island living
- It takes a brave man to say it…
- It’s the way you tell ’em
- Jeffrey Archer and The Art of the Trilogy
- Joy to the World?
- Just deserts
- Just Passing Through
- Just Write
- Keep Off the Grass: An Allegory
- Keep Talking
- Keeping score
- Keeping up appearances
- Killed with kindness?
- Know what you stand for
- Landmark Ruling on Religious Liberty
- Last Giveaway of the Year
- Last Week a Department Store Made Me Cry
- Lead your own life well
- Leadership in action
- Leadership Wednesdays: Humiliation
- Leading by serving
- Leading through change (Part 1)
- Leading through change (Part 2)
- Learning and growing
- Leave the shampoo; take the TV
- Let’s get Visible
- Liberty and Authority
- Life lessons from sweet wrappers
- Linda, You Deserve It
- Listen for the still, small voice
- Live the dream
- Live your values
- Living community
- Living in an illusion
- Looking after number one
- Love your neighbour
- Lowest Common Denominator
- Make it Count
- Making a Song and Dance About Assisted Suicide
- Making it Count
- Making meaning
- Making what is Good Appealing
- Marriage or Career?
- Matters of life and death
- Meanings within meanings
- Meet my favourite writing redneck
- Mere mortals?
- Mind the Milestone
- Mind Where You Tread
- More precious than gold
- More, more, more
- My favourite reads of 2021
- My First Radio Interview
- My life in my hands?
- My Oscars speech
- My top reads of 2020
- newday round-up
- NewSong: Adventure
- NewSong: Community
- NewSong: Dependence
- NewSong: Generosity
- NewSong: Reconciliation
- NewSong: Service
- No April Fool
- O Thou Who Changest Not
- On asking the right questions
- On discovering my subconscious racism
- On Liberty, Justice, and Little Silver Crosses
- On Making Your Own Mistakes
- On Making Your Own Mistakes
- On meeting the need
- On Not Having Your Cake, but Eating It
- On Not Turning Away
- On Reading
- On Surviving Your Darkest Hour
- On writing
- One December Day
- One year on…
- Onward!
- Oops…
- Our eyes were opened
- Paradise Road – a parable (pt 4)
- Paradise Road – a parable (pt1)
- Paradise Road – a parable (pt2)
- Paradise Road – a parable (pt3)
- Paving the way
- Philomena: Finding freedom through forgiveness
- Places Where People Can Flourish
- Plucking a world from the air
- Plumbing the depths of philosophy
- Pope Francis – a good man for the job
- Practice in Public
- Prayer everywhere
- Princess for the day?
- Promoting peace in the face of fear
- Propaganda and the Pursuit of Truth
- Proud to be humble
- Q: When is Freedom not Freedom?
- Question everything
- Quick Change Act
- Radiant beams
- Read this outstanding book
- Reader, I married
- Reading between the lines
- Reading between the lines: Autonomy
- Reading between the lines: Choice
- Reading between the lines: Freedom
- Reading between the lines: Love
- Reading between the lines: Novelty
- Reading between the lines: Progress
- Reading between the lines: Rights
- Reading between the lines: Tolerance
- Reading between the lines: Youth
- Real remembrance
- Reasons to Move to Cities
- Rebuilder of Ancient Walls
- Rediscovering a hurting church
- Reflections on the #Hamilfilm
- Religious Liberty: Another perspective
- Review of the year (or ‘Last year I may or may not have become a spy’)
- Review of the Year 2019
- Review of THINK Conference
- Review: ‘Belle’ – Not your average ‘frock flick’
- Review: After the Dance
- Review: All My Sons
- Review: Celebration of Discipline
- Review: Deeper Still
- Review: Downton Abbey
- Review: Eight Essentials: Keys to Success for New Writers
- Review: God*Stories
- Review: I Am Malala
- Review: Leadership
- Review: Love the Sinner
- Review: New Challenges for Christians
- Review: Peter and Alice
- Review: Protect and Defend
- Review: Redeeming Love
- Review: Resistance
- Review: Resurrection Year
- Review: Sensible Shoes
- Review: The Dust Diaries
- Review: The Expats
- Review: The Godless Boys
- Review: The Nativity
- Review: The Sea Change
- Review: Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing
- Review: Walk With Us
- Review: Welcome to Thebes
- Ripple effects
- Robin Round-up
- Run and find out
- Sad but true
- Sanctified, I Swear
- Say it with chocolate
- Scenes of Morocco
- Seasons of Change
- Seeing Martha
- Seven Ways to Change the World
- Sex and Motorbikes
- Should you take the COVID-19 vaccine?
- Shouting at Shadows
- Show Up
- Sickening logic
- Signposts to Transcendence
- Silence on Sundays?
- Slaves or free?
- Small change, big change
- So when do we start?
- So, I have some news…
- Sodas and Significance
- Splashes of joy
- Spot the Propaganda
- Start small
- Starving the idols
- Stop the madness!
- Stunned by the Holy Spirit
- Style or substance?
- Supply and demand
- Surprisingly good reads
- Surround yourself with good people
- Surrounded by a great cloud of…
- Survive and Thrive
- Take time to be holy
- Talking contentment on TWR
- Tell us the telos
- Tell us what you REALLY think
- Telling the story
- The ‘Like Little Children’ Conundrum
- The Appalling Silence
- The Appearance of Commitment
- The Brunswick Theatre disaster
- The constant centre
- The counter-cultural values of marriage
- The courage of your convictions
- The Creation of Possibilities
- The creative spirit
- The Diamond Dividend
- The ethics of emergencies must not become policy for peacetime
- The evidence of things not seen
- The first act of mercy
- The gift of hope
- The Gift of Lament
- The greater good?
- The highlight of ‘In the Heights’
- The holy City
- The Hope We Profess
- The Humility of the Hereditary Principle
- The Ideas Stash
- The Inside Out, Second Choice Life You Never Expected, And How To Deal With It
- The Jar of Experiences (or ‘This year I may or may not become a spy’)
- The Joy of Books
- The Last Great Discrimination
- The light through a broken window
- The limitations have purpose
- The Lion Mark
- The Little Wooden Chair (or What I Learned about Leadership from an Inanimate Object)
- The lyrics
- The Mass Murderer You’ve Never Heard Of
- The Milk of the Earth
- The new masters of Social Media
- The New Song: Humility
- The ocean of truth
- The Oldest Oppression
- The Pagan perspective
- The Power of Knowing your Story
- The power of love
- The real choices, or How to talk about abortion without mentioning God
- The Right Kind of Suicide
- The road less travelled
- The Sad Demise of Common Sense
- The scandal that rocked…nobody at all
- The secret hiding in my fridge
- The secret of contentment
- The secret of success
- The stinky fish challenge
- The stories we tell ourselves
- The value of a good question
- The way of compassion
- The weight of good and evil
- They think it’s all over…
- Things That Make You Go ‘Hmmm…’
- Things that make you go ‘Hmmm…’ 5
- Things that make you go ‘Hmmm’ 2
- Things that make you go ‘Hmmm’ 3
- Things that make you go ‘Hmmm’ 4
- This Fruitless Freedom
- This IS your life
- Thoughts on Maturity pt2
- Three Reasons why you MUST have a Copyeditor
- Three roots of loneliness and how to fight them
- Three Ways to Make a Difference
- To be the best
- To Glorify God
- To join or not to join
- To see the invisible
- To tweet or ponder?
- Tokens of brokenness
- Tolerance
- Toppling the tyranny of tolerance
- Train up a child…
- Transforming Lives: Lord Shaftesbury
- True personhood
- Trust in God
- Truth at the Movies
- Truth from a sandwich shop
- Truth vs honesty
- Truth, Lies and Dancing
- Turned off by theology?
- Twitter and the Ku Klux Klan
- Two mighty words – repost from Think Theology
- Two winners, and an ode to green teacups
- Unleash your inner silly
- Up in the air
- Values or virtues?
- Victim or victor?
- Video link
- Visions of glory
- Walk this way – lessons in faith on the streets of London
- Walking the talk
- We dream the same dream, we want the same thing
- We Hail Prince George
- We watched
- Well, well, well
- What are you looking at?
- What can we learn from Charlie Gard?
- What gets measured gets done
- What have you got to lose?
- What I learned in 2018
- What is faith for? – Repost from Salt
- What makes you human?
- What Qualifies God to Judge?
- What will you be remembered for?
- What you were meant to write
- What’s the point of…freedom?
- What’s the point of…prison?
- What’s the point of…the theatre?
- What’s the point of reading?
- What’s the point of… the NHS?
- Whatever you want
- When enough is not enough
- When I grow up – repost from ThinkTheology
- When is a baby not a baby?
- When life doesn’t go as planned
- When prayer doesn’t work
- When Strangers Become Friends
- When Wilson Met Bell
- Who am I?
- Who do you say I am?
- Who is this ‘God’ person anyway?*
- Who made your wardrobe?
- Who owns freedom?
- Who will buy…?
- Who won the debate?
- Who’s running this place?
- Who’s to blame?
- Who’s writing your story?
- Why I saw The Hunger Games
- Why this waste?
- Why you should boycott self-service checkouts
- Why You Should Consider Haggai For Your Next Group Bible Study
- Will Write For Food
- Without Whom…
- Words for Good and Evil
- World’s Best Dad?
- Worshipping Disneyland
- Writer, Editor, Speaker?!
- Yet I will rejoice
- You are what you read
- You don’t always want what you want
- You’re a brick
- Your Fault, My Fault, His Fault, Their Fault
- Your message to the world